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Reviews for Change in the House of Flies

By : Sarryn
  • From ANON - Nishia on June 02, 2004
    Just wanted to let you know I'm really enjoying this series and can't wait to find out what happens next.
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  • From seraphina on May 30, 2004
    *sigh* wonderful as usual. i just can't get ove ryour command of the english weave it beautifully. I don't mind waiting long periods for stuff of this quality...that's not to say that ildnldn't object if you did post more often though :D
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  • From ANON - Cashiel on May 28, 2004
    If this story is what your imagination can create, I think you should cont to to let it control your free will when writing. As much as I would love to see more frequent updates, your chapters are always well worth the wait. Thank you.
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  • From ANON - Photis on April 12, 2004
    I have to hand it to you, this is really good. A very enthralling story. I must confess I find your prose style a bit ornate for my tastes, more so than your other work, which seem to have just the right tone. Anyway, a lot better than most of the stuff out there.
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  • From ANON - Night on April 01, 2004
    Hey, I like this one!!! The style changes a little, and at sometimes is difficult to follow, but it is very well written and interesting!!! I really hope you continue, and I'm really iesteested as to what Jack just plans on doing to get Will out of his depression, as well as informing us of the complete story of Will's tragedy and why he refuses to return home!!! Please keep writing!! And thanks for responding to my last review!!
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  • From ANON - Ghost on March 31, 2004
    So far, an absolutely fascinating, enchanting story. I eagerly await its continuation.

    May your life always be touched with the same loveliness you have given to this work.
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  • From ANON - Squall on March 30, 2004
    That was a really good chapter. I was wondering when you would update. Thanks! ^__^ Great story.
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  • From ANON - seraphina on March 30, 2004
    Dude...i normally read and comment on this on LJ but i saw the update here first and OMG!!!! you don't disappoint!!! i've been wondering what was happening with this fic and was overjoyed that you've updated. The mood you manage to create is just so horrible that it's beautiful (i swear that's a compliment!!) and it makes me want to cry.
    That paragraph about the prints of the murdered children made me recoil and shudder and was perfect!!!!
    Hope real life isn't giving you too much of a hassel, i know how much it can interfere with writing!!!
    Update soon because it's wonderful!
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  • From ANON - crevette on March 29, 2004
    Lovely as usual. I like the slow build of your character. It makes the fathoms deep and they need that.
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  • From ANON - crevette on March 29, 2004
    Once again, lovely. Very interesting slow build which really deepens your characters. I can't wait to see what you do with this.
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  • From hellborne on March 29, 2004
    Ah, Sarryn my sweet! You have here my favorite story. You truly must contin.I c.I check daily for updates, and earteart hitched when I saw that you'd finally had time to do so! Please PLEASE continue soon.

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  • From ANON - Cashien on February 01, 0000
    I can't tell you how hap was was to find a new chapter. Truth be told I was getting a little worried about you. Fortunately you came back with a great update. Thank you for that, and I hope there will be more.
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  • From ANON - Smiigel on February 12, 2004
    Amazing, simply amazing. The sheer brilliance of your writing just takes my breath away. (*whew!*) The darkness and the language make this into one of the most beautifully crafted fics I've ever read. I like my humor, and the lighthearted cast to PoTC was certainly enjoyable, but both in my reading and my writing I find it more interesting to explore the darker side of a fandom, especially one that is usually seen as happy-go-lucky and comical. This fic explores that dark side *wonderfully*, and it makes me a pleasantly fuzzy little rabbit. Ah, the loverliness of stumbling across gold nuggetses of fanfics! (Hey, what can I say; I live for my imagination. ^.^) *slinks off to study for psychology, which is really what she should have been doing in the first place, but that's certainly not as much fun as procrastinating, now is it?*
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  • From ANON - Cashiel on February 08, 2004
    Absolutely amazing, that's what you are.
    You're truly one of the most talented writers I have ever encountered and I just want to thank you for sharing this story. I will gladly keep reading it for as long as you bless us with updates. I'll probably keep reading the existing chapters even after you stop updating, although I hope that doesn't happen until the story's finished.
    Thank you.
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  • From ANON - Violent Underscore! rabbit on February 06, 2004
    Yes i thought the previous chapter (while still intriguing and stomach turning in an erudite way) was not up your usual standards. I did enjoy it though have no doubts.

    I loved this chapter. A startilingly realistic way of how the humind ind deals with the aftermath of a trauma, and both players completly in character. :)

    Good stuff!
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