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Reviews for Change in the House of Flies

By : Sarryn
  • From ANON - sd-snow-vixne on May 21, 2005
    You writing style is wonderful, took me a long time to find this story again after I lost it the last time I tried to search for it. Keep up the good work and high standards you have set for it!
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  • From ANON - Jemi on February 28, 2005
    I like this. It doesn't sugarcoat the fact that Pirates weren't nice happy-go-lucky guys all the time. The disney version was nice and great, (god, Jonny Depp is HOT!!!) I like the detail and thought. It's got just the right amount of gore, horror, torture and compassion to make everything alright. I really want to read more of this story.

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  • From ANON - Topaz_Kat on February 20, 2005
    oh, don't tell me you're stopping it there. I just stumbled across this and I need to see more. It's a dark story, I'll grant you that, but it's not overly gory and when it is getting to be desturbing, it's easy enough to see where the violence is necessary. I want to see more, please? You have me completely hooked.
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  • From ANON - Fi_greenleaf on December 30, 2004
    How can you leave it there?!?!?! Please please PLEASE update soon - before I go crazy. I have to know what happens to poor old Will.
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  • From ANON - Tetra on December 12, 2004
    It's a shame that this story is no longer updated. IMO, it's the best story in this category. I'm not losing hope for an update. *crosses fingers*
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  • From ANON - LadyJanelly on December 01, 2004
    Very nice. I followed this fic over from, and it was worth it, even for one more chapter. Please do continue, it's a wonderful piece of art.
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  • From ANON - jillij on November 29, 2004
    What happened? * whimpers * I was perusing your stories and I fell in love with this one. What happened to the summer and updating a whole ton? * looks at you with puppy dog eyes * I would love to know what happens when Jack finds out his poor Will has been...can't say it! You horrible, horrible little person! I love you! But I may have to come after you if I don't find out what happens.

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  • From ANON - Sabrina451 on September 11, 2004
    I bet they cut off his penis! Am i right? Poor Will. That would suck. Literally, in some cases.

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  • From ANON - Xoie on July 02, 2004
    I'm loving this fic. I desperately need to know what Will is thinking all this time. Just to show you the trust I have in your working with this story I desided it had to be a dream before we were told. I knew you wouldn't do that to us. (If that made any sence). Keep writing I am fasinated
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  • From ANON - Xoie on July 02, 2004
    I jusnishnished chapter one and I'm about to go on bu tI just couldn't before telling you that I am in awe of your ability with words and agree whole heartedly with Jack about a good conversation. Thank you for writing this incredable story.
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  • From kirameki on June 30, 2004
    Hey, I reviewed on another site as thesilentsenshi. Just wanted to reaffirm how much I love this story and hope for an update soon. XD I adore your style and originality.
    Eagerly waiting for more,
    Stephie P.
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  • From nicepiratehat on June 14, 2004
    Sorry, I did reply twice... Three times because I do enjoy this story a lot. Please continue soon!
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  • From nicepiratehat on June 14, 2004
    Very entertaining. It brings me amusment. I do hope you continue because I am rather hopeful that there is more. It intrigues and amases. I do like where this is going. I hope to see more! ^ ^ -nicepiratehat
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  • From ANON - nicepiratehat on June 10, 2004
    Amasing. I do hope you continue soon. I've been up until 12:21 at night reading this and find that dispite the blurry vision and constant yawning, I did press on. Thank you for creating such a nice piece. However, as much as I do enjoy it, my only comlaint is that I was very confused when Jack was dreaming. It took me a moment after to realize what had happened. But besides that, I have no complaints. I can't wait to read and review the next chapter. I await! -NicePirateHat
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  • From ANON - ElvenEyes on June 02, 2004

    I am so freakin' absorbed in this story, it's scary!


    Yeah, well...I just have so many questions that I don't want to ask because I KNOW that they'll be answered later, because of course they're basic questions like is Will confused or freaking out about Jack or what, but don't answer that. I don't want to know! I want to read!

    So that means that you must write! PLEASE!? *begs*

    Loveses you forever if you keep writing! I love your style and the dark theme of the entire story.

    I especially liked the way you described Will grabbing Jack's hands and forcing him to just mold against him. I could actually see that happening!


    I hope you update soon! You are awesome-er, and I hope that I can read more of this fantastic story.

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