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Reviews for The Enticement

By : scatteredlogic
  • From ANON - starfire on February 15, 2004
    Oh, wow - I so enjoyed this story (big soppy smile). I love how you've captured Jareth and I love how you've characterised Sarah. I like the way you've managed to keep them true to their personalities in the movie, but move them on from there - making them grow and mature over the time that's passed since then. Basically, this was a great read - thank you for putting it where I could enjoy it!

    Blessings and hugs - Starfire
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  • From ANON - liams lil one on February 13, 2004
    There is only one responce after reading a story like this and that would be... I LOVE YOU! ummmm... I'm done now :)
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  • From ANON - LadyNiko on February 13, 2004
    Wow.... after listening to Aimless (We live relatively close to one another - she's in the next town up the way from me.) go on for ages & ages about your fics, I finally had the time to sit down and read this one.

    What a roller coaster ride you took us on! :)

    Very good story! I'm just jealous of all these folks who get to go see the master magician, Mr. Bowie, in concert..... I *hate* being unemployed! :-p

    I look forward to reading more of your stories in the future... now I've got to go back to my corner and, my nice, padded, little room on ;)
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  • From ANON - Laurel on February 10, 2004
    Oh, this was wonderful! I loved this movie when it first came out and only recently bought it.
    This was brilliant, wonderfuly written and brintlyntly imaginative. I loved it. Thank you for writing it. :)
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  • From ANON - Persia on February 07, 2004
    This is abso-fucking-llutely awesome!!!! Your are indeed "Mistress of the Labyrinth". Actually, the Labyrinth itself holds no candle to you for bringing this fated couple together. Wonderful job, the best continuation on the "Labyrinth" that I have ever read. Truly magnificent.
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  • From ANON - Isadore on February 06, 2004
    Alright, I admit that I haven't reviewed until now, even though I've been reading your WONDERFUL story since chapter one... But I'm a bad, bad person - what else can I say?

    Well, here's something - I can understand no plans for a sequel, but if you don't continue writing fics, I'll cry until the end of my days, for lack of your amazing talent. I will! Just watch me!
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  • From ANON - on February 06, 2004
    The wait for the end was well worth it. I had no doubt in my mind that the story's ending would be just as good as the rest of the piece. You are an excellent writer and I hope you continue to write wonderful stories of any and all ratings. I wish there were words to express how much I admire not only your stideaideas but your way with words, however there aren't, so I'll leave it all at what I've written. In the immortal words of... I have no clue WHO said it... Rock on, Scattered Logic. Just Rock On.

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  • From ANON - Manda The Witch on February 05, 2004
    Two days is too long to wait for something this important. But Its over. ;-( NOOOOO!!! I loved this tory it was sooooo good
    Anyway you should write another. I liked the way you portrayed Jareth and well fresh Jareth smoochies would be nice. Well Thanx for an excelent story and hope to see more from you soon.
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  • From ANON - Raven on February 05, 2004
    I loved the story, I bee been reading it chapter by chapter and eagerly awaiting each new posting. I love what you don done with the characters, it is believable and very original. I hope you decide to continue with another story using these characters, a sequel hopefully :). Thank you for the wonderful story and may the muses inspire your keyboard and pen in the future.
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  • From ANON - Talene on February 05, 2004
    It was a beautiful story luv! I enjoyed it so very much!! Thank you for writing it. I have an idea for a Labrynth story,BTW, but have no iea how to go about it. Having lost Sara...he comes to this world for some reason and becomes either a rock start or movie star. Is far-fetched but the plot bunny is persistant and won't leave me be. Perhaps you can do something with it. :) I can't. Thank you again for the tale. T'were beautifully wrought!
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  • From ANON - Alesun on February 05, 2004
    This was an absolutely beautiful story!!! And the NC-17 bits were just so well done and breathtaking. I couldn’t even tell you how long I was waiting for those and I’m pleased to say that you didn’t disappoint. The ending was so charming and adorable; I just loved everything about it. Your skills as a writer astound me and I can't wait for you to start in on another story (and I hope you will because now that this is complete I’ll have nothing to read). Would it be possible to convince (or bribe) you into writing a sequel?????
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  • From ANON - Kitrazzle Fayn on February 05, 2004
    *sighs happily* I'm so glad you've put this up here. I had read it when you had it on, but I'd forgotten how wonderful a story it is. All the delightful twists and cliffhangers and little tidbits, all wrapped up with the perfect ending. *le sigh* Perfect...
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  • From ANON - BJ on February 05, 2004
    I LOVED this story from beginning to end. You have a real talent for writing. I really got hook on this fanfic, I hope to find a sequel to this eventually. Thanks for sharing your story!
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  • From ANON - Kae Noel on February 04, 2004
    *sighs contentedly* now that, was a love story I won't quickly forget, thanks *hugs* you're awesome!
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  • From ANON - Melantha on February 04, 2004
    Thank you so much for writing this story. It means a lot to me and I enjoyed it immensely.

    You are the first fanfiction author I have followed this extensively through a story and I am very glad to have 'met' you.

    Your talent is amazing and your abilty is masterful. I am thankful to you for sharing that Gift with us.

    Thank you,
    ~Melantha - ditto
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