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Reviews for Tell Me a Tale

By : Sarryn
  • From tachiri on April 04, 2009
    Emmarella is exactly the sort of girl that makes me hate romance novels. I own exactly one romance novel, and the only two reasons I haven't thrown it away is 1. because it was a birthday present from my grandfather on my 14th birthday. and 2. because he had the sense not to get me a Harliquinn romance or something else along those lines and instead got me one that was actually about 87% historical fiction 13% romance, which I can deal with. I hate stories with unrealistically perfect characters where the entire thing is just smoochies and sex.

    which is not to say I don't enjoy the occaisionall smutty fic, but that's different.

    I really really enjoyed this fic, especially will's complete disgust with the story of Emmarella
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  • From blackfeenix on December 14, 2007
    oh this is simply hilarious. nice to see romantic side to jack! XD
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  • From ANON - Jags on June 13, 2007
    exceptionally well written! i commend you!
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  • From ANON - Thaliae on April 12, 2004
    MONTY PYTHON! Runs round in circles, flapping arms, until eventually falls over own feet and lands in unceremonious heap. I just love it when people quote monty python. Spot on with the criticisms too....
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  • From ANON - Monkey(If someone here\'s got that name, I\'m sorry cuz I\'m not signed up, so this has nothing to do with them) on January 29, 2004
    You rule for putting the Montey Python thing in. I read the part of the Aferican Sparrows and I'm like "Why the heck's there a number next to it? Everyone should know that that's Montey Python." And if you don't, then rent the movie. Or I'll virtually attack you. But it's not for everyone. Some people just don't get it. Oh yeah, back to the review, normally, I don't read slash, but that's all I could find in this damn thing (that, and Jack/Liz, and I'm not really their biggest fan) so I chose to read yours. And I'm glad I did. It's great.
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  • From WhiteDog on January 19, 2004
    Wow,what a great and entertaining story! Probably the best POTC fic I've read. It was funny, sweet and sexy-even without a lemon. I must say that I really dislike Mary Sues-especially since 99% of the ones I've seen are indeed supposed to represent the author. It's just so naive and see-through.. and to think girls STILL do It gIt goes to show they never read Bad Fic Warnings.

    White Dog
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  • From ANON - Willow on January 04, 2004
    *giggles* I love it, I love it. "The author describes her eyebrows?" Wonderful. Most amusing. Woo. ^_^
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  • From ANON - Anon on January 03, 2004
    Aww, this is great! You captured their banter wonderfully. I suppose it would be a bit rude to ask for the prequel? I would *love* to see your Jack and Will in a h/c fic.
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  • From ANON - Mary Jane on January 03, 2004
    hehehe I love the Monty Python quote, great read.
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  • From ANON - ElvenEyes on January 03, 2004

    Hey this is very cute! *giggles and glomps Jack and Will (being mindful of his wounds)*

    Personally, I hate the Mary Sue too, but if you have an OC who is NOT with any of the canon characters, then I don't really mind. Like my OC, she's actually Will's aunt, and a former crewmember of the Pearl, so she knows Jack, and it's a Jack/Will slash adventure, not a MarySue of sorts. *shrugs* I don't know why that's relevant, but that's just what I think.

    Jack: *whaps her with a pillow* Quiet! You're just rambling now.

    Will: *rolls eyes and winces, rubbing his ribs*

    Elven: (*scolding*) Mind that, whelp
    Will: *scowls*

    Jack: *grins*

    Elven: I loved it!

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  • From ANON - SailorPoison on January 02, 2004
    LOL This story is very funny. I loved how Will was trying to get a story from jack but finding each story was not quite wante he wanted. Or expected. Sorta reminds me of Princess Bride on hiw Will keeps interrupting Jack.
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