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Reviews for Jack's Cure

By : AnotherSparrowGroupY
  • From EvilE on April 06, 2007
    I know this story has been here a while, but I just read it, and I never laughed so hard in my life. The lines are so great and dead-on, and then there's the hot hot HOT! Complete with Sparrabeth ending that hits you out of left field. Great writing, someone recommended it and I'll be passing it along too!
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  • From ANON - Kimmie on October 19, 2006
    wow that was pretty much just 12 chapters on sex lol. gives some good thoughts though. ^_^
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  • From ANON - megan on December 07, 2005
    *dark scrowl* I liked the couples the way they were thank you very much. . . oh well. . . VERY good story. . . I just hated the last chapter. *whimper*I like Elizabeth with Will. . . it's more balanced.
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  • From ANON - Emma on March 12, 2005
    Oh WOW! That was pretty fucking hot. Hehe. Haven't read smut as good as this in a loooooooong time! Thanks! :D
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  • From ANON - lily on December 12, 2004
    OH YAY!!!!!!!! I'm so happy I stopped to look for an update. What a wonderful, fantabulous fic. And naught Jack!! how could he do that to poor Will, even naughtier Elizabeth though!!

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  • From ANON - Monkey Lady on November 01, 2004
    Man that was awesome! Soooo hot! This was my first PoftheC fic and I was very pleased with it. Nice work.
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  • From ANON - evileyedpirategrrl on September 12, 2004
    wow, i wasn't expecting another chapter. when i first started coming to this website, your fic was
    already finished so i thought, with will experienceing the infamous captain jack sparrow. your fic
    came the closest to my own personal vision of heaven. i'm sooooo into the orgy thing, and it's
    darn near impossible to find any jack/will/elizabeth fics. i very excited about your new story!
    can't wait, luv!
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  • From ANON - Noire Rose le Mort on September 10, 2004
    That was such a good smut fic. I loved it. Anamaria was giving EVERYBODY Head. Damn ho! Anyway that was brilliant and I loved the ending!
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  • From ANON - VelveTe on September 09, 2004
    Sweet abyss! What are you doin', ya devilish mage. Jack and Liz.. and then Will?! Whatever will happen next, especially if Ana and Will get together to 'teach' their respective partners a lesson in 'knickin' their treasures'. lol. Boyhowdy, some spankerin' is gonna be had? Any chance that Anamaria will help Will -- er, the finer points of stringin' up bad pirates?? -winks- Can she? Please? Pretty, pretty please??? I got this picture of captured and tied liz and jack, while anamaria and will tease and taunt them with their shared passions, with jack and liz not able to do a thing about it. -cackles- Imagine the fun to be had, should Jack gets one of his hands free without them knowin'?! I'm hitchin' my wagon to your fic. LOVE IT!
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  • From ANON - VelveTe on September 05, 2004
    Good gracious! This story is simply breath-taking. I LOVED the Will/Anamaria moments, simmering hotly. I know that the emotional ties between Jack,Liz and Will are growing, but all I ask is PLEASE don't leave Anamaria (my fave baby girl) out in the emotional cold? Jacks emotions begin to forge with Liz, can Will be wisewise attached to the ever mysterious Anamaria? Or is this bed only meant for 3? -brushing away tears- Lovin' this story HEAPS! Well done and are doin' to our fave 4 -coughAnamariaWillcough- hehe. Bravo!
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  • From ANON - Anamaria Sparrow on July 16, 2004
    I've been waiting a while, looking in every now and then to see if you've updated. I've noticed that you haven't. Are you going to continue this or not? I'd really enjoy reading more. I love the characterizations. You made Jack, Ana, Elizbeth, and even the Whelp seem believable. I can't wait to read more. An update will be greatly appreciated.
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  • From ANON - Miss Anya on July 15, 2004
    OMFG. I just found this story the other day and I can't stop rereading it. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE continue this... you can't leave us hanging! I was never much into slash, but the scenes with Elizabeth and Ana... hot damn. And Jack/Will...amazing. You have converted me! See, now you have to write more! How about some more Jack/Ana action? Please write more soon!
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  • From ANON - Jack\'s Lover on July 09, 2004
    O.M.G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That had me soooo hot and bothered, but do you know what this story needs? Hmmm? Don't know? Then I'll tell you. More......*whispers* Come closer *waves her over* JACK AND ANAMARIA ACTION! WooHOO!!! *whoops* Ok, now you update soon, Ya heard?

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  • From ANON - Amber Moon on July 09, 2004
    *dies* THat's the only thing I could possibly think of to describe this sinful story! ^_^ continue! *licks lips in anticipation*
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  • From ANON - Chelsey on March 25, 2004
    OMG! that was awesome! I like the smut! the loads and loads of smut! I must have another chapter or I'll Keelhall your ass mate! I do really love your story! and just so ya know I like the idea of you writing a Jack/Elizabeth fic. But I ask of you only to things amongst your need for angst. Please at least make it a happy ending, and please add some good smut! I again love your story. Keep up the writing.

    -Chelsey- AKA: HisBeautiful
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