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Reviews for Jack's Cure

By : AnotherSparrowGroupY
  • From ANON - wintermoondancer on December 17, 2003
    I hope you will keep going. This has such
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  • From ANON - Flossie on December 17, 2003
    Oh, please write the next chapter quickly.......I'm dying to know what happens next! This is brilliant, sheer genius!
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  • From ANON - MizEmotional on December 12, 2003
    Oi! I lurve the concep Can Can't wait for a new chapter. :)
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  • From ANON - Captain Barbossa on November 28, 2003
    Harr. I always said ye were a pansy, Will. Doesn't surprise me that yer a premature ejaculator as well.

    Miss Turner--oh, pardon me, 'Mrs. SWANN'--if ye be requirin' assistance in the removal of yer maidenhead, may I recommend that ye forgo the services of Jack Sparrow (who be a nancy blighter what would rather get in yer husband's britches than yer petticoats) and come straight to me, who has decades upon decades of experience in this particular area. I refer ye to one Abigail Sewell, whose virginal passages--and I do mean 'passages'--were rendered, ah, decidedly un-virginal by meself.

    Oh, and Will -- yer just like yer father. I know, 'cause I knew the man. Biblically. ::cackle:: Aye, ol' Bill never could hold out long enough to keep from comin' all over those blasted bootstraps of his.
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