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Reviews for Jack's Cure

By : AnotherSparrowGroupY
  • From ANON - Kali on February 04, 2004
    Remember that "stream of obscenities" that Jack was breathlessly whispering..... I whispered it with him. *whimper* So how many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll in a tootsie pop? er.... how many times does it take "little will" to be too tired? and hopefully no biting (well not too hard anyways). So what happens next? I am still bowing scraping and drooling to your smut goddess-ness. I have to say this very sincerely. I Love You. That's all I have to say now. *adoring eyes* *shivers due to dampness from recent cold shower*
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  • From ANON - Persia on February 01, 2004
    Alright, this is absolutely the hottest shit I have read in a LONG time. I love Jack and Elizabeth's chemistry, such angst and fire! Wooo! They could burn the house down! You really captured the kind of thing that I sensed between them in the movie. (Course they couldn't put it in the movie or even a slight version, Disney after all, can't shock the kiddies. That mild scene on the beach was a little steamy for old Dis come to think of it. Course Johnny makes anything steamy. Love those bedroom eyes!) Great job with the other pairings too of course. That scene with Jack having Lizzie and Ana give him pleasure was really hot.
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  • From ANON - one\'s s\'pose ta kno ^_^ on January 29, 2004
    Woo! *fans self* This has got me hot and bothered. It's sinfully delightful, I loved it! Naughty Jack...Naughty AnaMaria...hell Naughty everybody!
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  • From ANON - Jackfan2 on January 26, 2004
    HOLY CRAP!! This was a simply AMAZING story!! I ADORED IT!! My dear friend demoniclittlegirl or she is probably going here as darkbubblegum, sent me here.

    I've lurked into this site to find good stories and found precious few. All slash and rape.. Not my flavor, you understand. BUT THIS!!! THIS WAS PERFECT!!!

    PLEASE PLEASE E-mail me if you can and let me know when you've posted to this story again. There will be more right? Please?

    Damn, Jack is sooooo hot.. Must see more of the quartet get it on. MUST SEE MORE!!!

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  • From eliza422 on January 25, 2004
    Please plepostpost a new chapter! I'm waiting for Will and Jack to get it on! This has been awesome so far - I love your characterization of Jack especially.
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  • From ANON - Captain Jacks Lass on January 15, 2004
    Please tell me that you are going to update this soon?! Please! I need MORE!!!
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  • From on January 13, 2004
    Very good chapter, very good indeed. I hope you continue soon.
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  • From ANON - Brina on January 12, 2004
    AnotherSparrowGroupy: Not only am I now your groupy .. :: drops to her knees :: I am now your BITCH!! Girrrrrl... that last chapter was.. was.. :: feels her skin tighten as she figdets in her seat :: ..was.. Uhm. Uhm. Uhm. :: tries to form a thought and realized that she is about a quart low on blood as it all pools southward. How about i get back to you when the blood actually flows back to my brain? Coht tht thoughts are a problem right now. I shall also send you my bills for the mastabatory carpal tunnel sydrome that I shall undoubtledly come down with after this chapter. ;)
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  • From ANON - JesseBannonQuest on January 11, 2004
    Oh my....

    please tell me there's more of this one? :-p It's jost too smutty not to continue. ;)

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  • From ANON - Pervy Elf on January 11, 2004
    Oh...Oh my. You positively *must* write more. I just discovered this gem, and I am positively hooked! I swore to myself that I would never read a Jack/Elizabeth story, but I couldn't help meself. Damn ye!...but in the best possible way, of course. Wow, I need a shower. And an absolutely *freezing* one at that! Update soon! Please?
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  • From ANON - Anon on January 10, 2004
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  • From ANON - CaptainJacksLass on January 09, 2004
    I couldn't get to my computer yesterday so today I get the wonderful blessing of two updates! Excellent! This is the single best fanfic ever! I love it...and it does a wonderful job of getting us "all hot and bothered"! It drew me in because it had Jack and favorite couple in the movie (why is it so hard to find stories with the two of them together?)...and it just keeps getting better and better. I think this is probably the best written scene between Elizabeth and Jack that I have read. I prefer a "darker" Jack and his "ravishing" of Will's inexperienced wife was wonderful. I can't wait to read more so don't keep us waiting too long...
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  • From ANON - DarkBubbleGum (again) on January 09, 2004
    I agree with them, Godness of smut, no question, undisputed! No one can beat this. NO ONE!
    Yes Yes Yes!
    Worship Worship Worship!
    Now, do you do slash?

    (I plan on stalking you BTW, using IM and Email and whatever you have in your profile, If you have a problem with that tough shit....but seriuosly though, I would totally love to talk to you on IM or something. Drop me a line if you don't want to {I understand that a few people think that there are nut jobs out here on the Neo World, pshh idiots *goes back to cleaning blood from Axe and Chainsaw} You have my email and I have a profile on here, I just never use it. Ha ha!)

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  • From ANON - DarkBubbleGum on January 09, 2004
    Okay, sorry that I missed when you posted Chapter 9, been sufering at work, it's terrible.
    But still, that chapter was my GOD!
    I was so stupid, I read it at goodness me. You should have seen the looks I got! I'm gonna tell you, I got to when Jack's looks darkened, (loved that by the way, totally amazing) and I knocked over nearly everything on my desk cause I started to like choke on the gum I was chewing! My editor (I'm a journalist in trai) wa) was completely shocked, I had to minimize everything in ten seconds and hide the blush that crept into my skin, and it wasn't from embarassement!
    But that was absolutely F**KING AMAZING! Jesus! I didn't think it get hotter!
    I have to say I'm glad that Will seems to have completely over cois pis problem, good job to Ana and Jack, the wonders of piracy!
    I can't see what you're gonna do next. Maybe Elizabeth could be the bold one and suggest a Jack/Will encounter. Please? I love slash as much as I love Jack!
    But whatever you write I'm sure will be awesome, this is like the longest review I haver ver written.

    Hope you update really soon...I'm off to read chapter 9 again.
    I am in desperate need of a cold shower or a good screw!

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  • From ANON - lily on January 09, 2004
    just what the doctor ordered - not 1 but 2 new wonderful chapters of my favorite fic!!! you really are spoiling us
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