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Reviews for Jack's Cure

By : AnotherSparrowGroupY
  • From ANON - Seva on March 24, 2004
    sorry to be a pain, but UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE! ahem....i'm only doing it cos i love this story too much for it to not go on...
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  • From ANON - JACKFAN2 on February 23, 2004
    Hey!!! Are you going to update this story!!!????? Oh, please say you aren't done!! Chapter after chapter has kept me alternating between giggling and fanning myself. I got my husband to read it the other day and he thought pretty much the same thing as I did.
    Well, it's a great story! One of the very few I am bothering to read on this site. I've re-read it countless times and have saved it in my favorites on my internet!
    Thank you for taking the time to write it.. and then add to it? Please????
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  • From ANON - Willow on February 22, 2004
    Nyaah. Dear lord. So hot, so very hot. I'm an avid Jack/Will girl, so the last chapter was lovely. ^_^ *pervy grin* I want to see Jack suck Will off. I just do. Like, everyone else has. Go Jack! Yeah! Haha. Story's so wonderfully plotless and smutty. Joy!
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  • From on February 20, 2004
    Yay! I love you so much! You UPDATED!! I love this story!! You are perhaps the best lemon/smut/ whatever you want to call it writer ever!!
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  • From ANON - Seva on February 18, 2004
    Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..........*attempts to clear mind of chapter in order to type coherant review....* well, I've never really been a slash person before now, but i think I may have just been converted! Marvellous stuff! I'm so glad to hear you haven't deserted us! Jack there's a man I'd love to!

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  • From ANON - DarkBubbleGum on February 16, 2004
    MY GOD I am so sorry!
    It's been on hetic week after another I fiI finally managed to get back to read this.
    I just want to say that it was ome,ome, wonderful wonderful. you have totally out done yourself again and I just love this.
    I'm glad you finally updated, I was getting worried that you had forgoten about us but alas you haven't adn I appluade the great slash chapter.
    I can't wait to see what's still to come, in a matter of speaking, and I promise to review way faster than last time.

    Great job yet again. GO YOU!G
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  • From ANON - Crazy4Pirates on February 15, 2004
    great story (grins) pudding for you!
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  • From ANON - Brina on February 15, 2004
    Dear AnotherspwarrowGroupy:

    :: stares at ASG eye eyes as wide and confused as Jack (the monkey) often does :: okay. so how come i ahve two reviews of your story, both similar in nature, but one of which I don't remeber posting? Gnomes. I bet is was the gnomes again. Them d*mn computer gnomes. I see that they are back to their antics again. Changing my screen savers, overloading my computer with chinchilla porn, hiding rancid cheese underneath my bed, whispering crude messages in my ears at night . :: Pokes herself in her ears with cotton swabs to silence the voices. :: STOP IT!! Filthy lil buggers. sorry about the repeat post. however, i am still very willing to be your bitch and you are undoubtedly my smut goddess. :: rolls up ASG's story and smokes it like a cuban cigar :: ohh girrrrrrl... give us some more. ---brina. AnothersprrowgroupY groupie
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  • From ANON - Brina on February 15, 2004
    Dear anothersparrowgroupY:

    Sweet Jesus on a pogo stick woman?!! Are you tryin' ta kill me by giving me a terminal case of mastabatory induced carpal tunnel syndrome?!! Not to mention that I am about a quart of blood low to all regions above my tlintline. Damn woman, you are good!! You saucy lil smut goddess you. winkwinks lasciviously at anothersparrowgroupY and smacks her on the ass :: Give us some more, luv. --Brina. the anothersparrowGroupy groupy
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  • From ANON - Captain Jack\'s Lass on February 12, 2004
    Aha! An update! Although I believe I am a little late responding. I was so worried that you had abandoned us...but it's good to see that you are posting again. Another lovely little update...not a big fan of slash meself, but you pulled it off quite well. And now to see that Will is ready for another go. Does this mean we can expect more from this guilty little pleasure? I sure hope so. Maybe some more Jack and Ana, ock ack and Elizabeth perhaps?
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  • From ANON - lily on February 09, 2004
    huzzah! huzzah! huzzah! we all bow down to your greatness.

    I was sooooooo excited a new chapter!! and so luvverly full of delicious boy on boy action

    please lots lots more soon!
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  • From ANON - neverone on February 09, 2004
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  • From ANON - Mercurial on February 07, 2004
    Oh. My. GOD
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  • From ANON - wintermoondancer on February 06, 2004
    That was good. Now, (rubs hands together in anticipation) how about Will letting Jack have it but good?
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  • From ANON - Afan on February 05, 2004
    I'm shocked to find a well-written fic here. No offense to you others, but this fic stands above and sets a standard not grasped by most of the others. Bravo! You have truely gained a hold on all personalities within the movie. I loved the J/E Action *purr* And though I don't like slash at all, it was well-written at least. More Jack/Lizbeth!
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