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Reviews for Iuncti Pacem

By : sacara
  • From ANON - SisterErotica on February 07, 2006
    OH MY FUCKING GOD! THAT WAS GREAT!!!! I want to read more. Keep writing this is so exciting and I can't wait for you to continue this!
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  • From ANON - Stephenie on October 14, 2005
    Ah, I'm loving this story so far. The plot is great, and I absolutely adore anything Hannibal/Clarice (and my friends think I'm so morbid...)

    But I'd like to just point out a few errors, if that's okay. Just editing stuff.
    A lot of the words in the chapters are misspelled, but I think that has something to do with the site and uploading the content...a few of my stories have had that happen when I uploaded them even though I didn't write them that way, but I just wanted to let you know.
    Also, in chapter 2 you spelled Evelda's name as 'Ivelda'. I think it's 'Evelda', I'll go check the book again but I'm sure that's it.

    I am loving this though. Get to Hannibal! I want the tension and suspense to stop already!!! GAH! It's killing me!

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  • From ANON - ashko on July 18, 2004
    Update! Update! I need closure! This is good, a minimal amount of errors. The characters are mostly true to the movies/books and there's an actual story here. Although, there is a lack of sex, to put it bluntly, but it doesn't truly detract from the quality of this fic.
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  • From ANON - yermee on July 09, 2004
    this is brill, cant wait to see what happens...please post more :) ...
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  • From ANON - Silver Spider on July 02, 2004
    Great job, but where's the update?
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  • From ANON - fireshadow on May 07, 2004

    just few words to say that i'am a french fan of your fics, i really like how you respect the book and the characters, please continue writing such an interresting stories, i wait for the chapter 9 with full of impatience.

    excuse me if my english is a little pitiful, but my lesson's in secondary school were far away.


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  • From ANON - Kathi on March 13, 2004
    I read your story "With Impunity" and "Iuncti Pacem" (which is not finished yet) and as a huge Anthony Hopkins and Julianne Moore fan (oh I love the film Hannibal, its my fav) I absolutely enjoyed your story! Hey but really: You really made me wanting to read the next chap and the next chap.
    Your story has that erotic element AND it has (that's sooo important) really a good fictional sequal plotline. So I can just say PLEASE post a next chapter, eh?
    Your Story is Fan Fiction at its best!
    PS.: If you have the time please send me a mail when you update the story! A huge Thank you for that! Greetings!
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  • From ANON - Amy on November 21, 2003
    Hey!!! Caait ait till it's finished I hope ur almost finished with the rest of it ill be waiting for updates....*waits impatiently*
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