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Reviews for Give me Love, Give me Life

By : Clong
  • From ANON - Rae on October 07, 2003
    Oh, how happy I was to find a sequel!

    But like Jack, your stories are irresistable. Now you have only made me wish for a trilogy.

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  • From ANON - Auroremne on October 06, 2003
    And VERY good writing, by the way. Good wording and images. Not to mention the lemon scenes. *drool* Mmmm, Jack. Me gusta mucho.

    I DID notice something in "Boys of Summer" that happened quite often (haven't checked this part enough yet to see if it has the same), was that you'd switch between past and present tense frequently. It happens, I know. I'm no stranger to it myself, buke ske sure you stay in a single tense!

    If you need a beta reader, I'd be happy to do it.
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  • From ANON - Rory on October 06, 2003
    Why not name her Vanessa? After Johnny Depp's wife.
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  • From ANON - Tourniquet on October 06, 2003
    I am so very incredibly happy that you are writing a sequal to AtBoSHG! I loved that one and I'm sure this one will be great! Please continue!

    Captain Jill Loon of the Green Pea!!!!! *squeals, looking at calendar marked "months until PotC", sees wait, eye twitches*
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  • From ANON - fake_plastic_love on October 05, 2003
    lady a -- you are a truly gifted writer. seriously. you're story is certianly different, and i think it's different in a positive way. i was sho tha that you posted a sequel and really REALLY happy. i couldn't have asked for more in this chapter. i feel as though you have jack dead on and it's a pleasure to read. keep up the excellent writing and UPDATE SOON! ;)
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  • From Clong on October 05, 2003
    Thank you Thorn for pointing out I had a major typo of using first rather then Second. I thought I had change all of them, but I must have missed one, or just had a brain fart.

    Other then that I can appreciate that some people might prefer a thrid person story, which is why I expressed what kind fo story it was in the headers. And I have been asked to turn this into a thrid person story at some time in the future. I just might, but that will wait for that will even be more work then this ABH which is hard in and of itself. I myself find a good ABH refreshing on occassion, but everyone has their own flavors.

    I wrote it like this to be different. So its not all the same as the majority of all the other stories here (well that and its het fic... LOL)

    And for those who are enjoying, thank you for your kind comments. They make my day. And I am continuing the writing. Unlike the first one which was already done when I posted it, this one I am positng chapter by chapter.
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  • From ANON - CQ on October 05, 2003
    Lady A- Thank you, thank you for continuing your story of Jack and the Lady! I love the interaction between the two. The lady does understand the essence of Jack- you can't pin down the will o'the wisp that is Jack. I also like how Jack sees the spirit of the Lady and appreciates her independence. I would venture a suggestion of a name for the Lady be Cassandra. Jack returns to her just as Odysseus did to his lady after many adventures. Please don't make us wait too long for more!-----CQ
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  • From ANON - Cami on October 05, 2003
    You have no idea how happy I was when I read that this was a sequel to "After the Boys of Summer Have Gone"!!!

    I'm THRILLED that you decided to make a sequel! Carry on please!!
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  • From ANON - GG on October 05, 2003
    ABH's are traditionally written in the second person, thorns. If you didn't care for the story, then say that. That would be a review. Telling LadyA in what style she should have written it is a bit arrogant. It's her story. She can tell it in whatever "voice" she deems fit. If you don't like that, don't read it and go write your own fic.

    Lady A, I'm enjoying this one as much as I did After the Boys.... I can't wait for the rest!
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  • From ANON - thorns on October 05, 2003
    You're writing in second person, not first. I don't see any reason for it to be written in second person either. It'd do much better in first or third.
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